Friday, May 30, 2008

Feelings of a neglected DRESS :-)

Its dark inside here , so claustrophobic and stuffy .
I haven't moved since the last time she took us all out , to put some order .
I was hoping so much , that she would put me some place up front , where i would be seen . But ......
I said to the salwaars the other day ' she just does not seem to like us anymore ' does she ?
They too seemed in agreement !
The ones in front , keep going out to office and outings , then , pay a visit to the drycleaners and come back smelling so good and nice .
And , have you seen the way that black trouser behaves ? As if he rules the world :-(
Well well i said to him " just you wait and see , the last guy whose place you took , showed off for 10 months and dissappeared "
He must be in bits now , cleaning the kitchen slab ........ or God , knows where ....
Whenever , i feel low and down , I think of the lovely place i used to live in ............
It was a well lit beauitiful place , airy and cool , and i could see through the shelf where i was placed .
People came in , took us out , felt us , held us close to them , looked into the mirror ...... smiled ...... thought ..... then went on to another one , but there was hope ....
I always thought life outside of this place was better , and kept hoping to be picked up .
But , kept getting folded up and put in again , they all said i was too bright .........
I remember that day like just now , when she came in with a friend , saw me and in one second clutched on to me and said " wow , look at this , isent it beauitiful " .
Her friend said " well its a lil bright , but with your colour , you will carry off anything .
and she took me home .... Then i went to this lady's place where i got embroidered and measured and cut up and sewed ......... painful but it gave me shape .
They at least folded me with care now , did'nt roll me up like they did at the store .........
mmmmm...... she raved about me as soon as she saw me , and wore me out a few times ........ then ...........
I wonder what happened ?? someone told her , she looked much better in trousers ........ and ...... since then , i only see the back of the shelf .
I wonder ....... is my life over ? does she like me still ?
will i too get to go out and hear " wow , thats a nice dress " ..........
I think of my days in the glass shelf ...... i thought life outside was better . ....
I'm here and i'm thinking " maybe there still is hope " .

PS: i am sure each one of us sometime or the other feels like the neglected dress in the shelf and can identify with its feelings but lets remember that " there is always HOPE "

Monday, May 19, 2008

Relationships !

Its been a long and short , super fast and snaily slow , introspective and paint the town red , 15 days .
So many new feelings , emotions , reversals , fast forwards ..... realisations ..... acceptances !!
So many new ideas , inputs , discoveries .............. from outside .... and ........ within .
Like the chugging of the train on rails ....... sometimes slow and sometimes fast .
After a snail moving , slow , long , first week of may , bag's packed and ready to leave .....
cosily tucked into my 3rd a/c coach in the " west coast express " i sit .........
Watching the world go by , like a picture post card in motion ...... smiling ...... thoughtful !
People get in ..... get out , at different stations ...... so much like life ?????
stations of happiness , sadness , euphoria , contentment , trust , deceit ...........
In and out of my thoughts , the train rocks me to sleep , the rock and roll on rails .........
Fond memories of a pleasent journey ......
Mangalore it is ! red tiles , coconut palms , winding roads ......... and inbound family !
All , happy to be together again , a wedding in the family ......... after 15 yrs .
After blessings in plenty , during the "roce " ( a function on the previous day of the wedding , bride dressed in her mothers wedding saree , and anointed with coconut milk and oil , and blessed by the whole family, amid songs about her childhood , a mixture of tears and smiles ).
The couple took their vows , till death do we part !
The bride beauitiful and serene , the groom handsome and regal !
I sit next to mom Bijai church ..... built a hundred years back ... this is where she and dad said "i do " in 1951 .
After 56 years of togetherness in 2006 , he departed .... saying " I did " .
We sit together .......... A generation apart .
For them it was " till death do we part "
For me it was " Part or you will die " everyday , ever moment . " i too did ".
The only constant in time ....... Change !
An hour of ceremonies and two signatures later , two are joined for life , saying " i do " .
17 yrs of marriage , 2 children and 3 years of seperation later , i wait for a signature to say " I Don't " .
A system that considered me adult enough at 18 to say " i do " ,
Doesen't consider me adult enough at 40 to say " i Don't " ........ ironical ....... yet true !
The melody of the final hymn , brings me back to track .....
The happiness of the moment , brings a beauitiful smile back ......
It hardly matters to the scenery outside , as to which train is passing by ...... but .....
It surely matters to the passenger inside to look out with eyes open wide .............
In this destination called life , its the journey that matters ...........
Doesen't matter if one gets off at the first stop or last ..... May it be an eventful ride !
In a fairytale movie setting , strings of music reverberating ..... we danced away the night !!!