Sunday, April 20, 2008

Clear out the cobwebs !

Ah ! at last , i am done for the day . I scrubbed the entire floor and it looks like new .
Tile by tile , edge by edge , with a meditative vengence against the accumulated dirt and grime.
since i knew i had to clean the floor , i began with bringing down the few cobwebs ,
cleaned the fans , the lights and the furniture swept the place clean , and then went on the warpath....... to get the home clean !
The regular cleaning happens every day , But still ! somehow .... the accumulation happens ??
Home sweet home ........ that's what each one has said , at some point in their life .......
Now , After a good bath , an awesome glass of mango shake and fully refreshed , i wonder ???
Do we ever say to ourselves ... " me sweet me " ?
Do we ever clear up the cobwebs of hate , jealousy , greed and selfishness ????
Do we clean our thoughts and misconceptions , our feelings , our emotions ........
Do we sweep out all the acids and toxins , created by the above in our systems ?????
Do we ........?
The day begins and ends with brushing teeth and a bath .........
The external body clean ....
The inside ........ only each ones concience knows .
I smile :-) , i think and i say to myself " me sweet me "
Let me clear my thoughts every morning , about the doubts and fears i have .
Let me bathe my soul and heart , with love , to keep away .....
The hate , jealousy , greed and selfishness that may tempt me during my day .
Let me clear the walls of misconception , that my emotions and feelings might have caused .
Let me ..... let me ......... please ! let me .
Let me be able to say with pride ..........
" Me sweet me , in my home sweet home " .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cannot believe u can make something so mundane as scrubbing the floor a therapeutic experience....Wow! way to go Sedna...keep the ink flowing gal.